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Closed gay bars dc

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Dr Franklin Kameny remembers, 'JoAnna's arrived somewhat later, on the NE corner of 8th and E, directly across from Johnnie's. SE in 1968 represented a new social option for women, and a daring new dance floor. NW, the Spring Road Café, a purple building that was hard to miss, saw women’s gatherings on weekends. At 5828 Georgia, in upper Northwest, Zombies’ restaurant generally welcomed women. Until mid-decade there was no equivalent of the old Showboat club. Mark Meinke in 'The Social Geography of Washington, D.C.'s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Community' (2002) says the following about 'Women's social spaces' in Washington:įor most of the Sixties there were few public social options for women. Location: 430 8th Street, Washington, D.C., USA

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